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Purchase of Products or Services from this Site
Your purchase of any product or service on this Site forms a legally binding agreement between you and Rialto Cinemas (the Company) on these Conditions of Sale in addition to the Terms of Use. You also agree to be liable for any breaches of the Conditions of Sale by individuals using products or services purchased by you on this Site. Children under the age of 16 may not purchase any product or service from this Site and must obtain the permission and assistance of their parent or guardian to do this.

You acknowledge the Company’s right to enforce film classification requirements set by the New Zealand Censorship Board and you will not purchase tickets that you (and any persons on whose behalf you purchase tickets) are not legally entitled to see, for instance if you are under 16 you cannot purchase and use tickets for a film classified R16. The Company reserves the right to insist that you provide suitable photographic identification depending on a film’s classification.
Cinema Specific Policies

Each Cinema of the Company has specific house policies such as Responsible Service of Alcohol and may have other conditions of entry that apply from time to time. These are made available at each Cinema and you agree to be bound by these. Cameras, audio and video recorders are not permitted inside any Cinema.

No Free List
The Company may impose a “no free list” or “no free tickets” restriction (NFL) to certain films and screenings in its discretion. NFL is a restriction imposed for selected films and screenings upon their release. It means that no special complimentary coupons, discounts or offers are valid for use on that specific film or screening until the restriction has been lifted. Generally, the NFL restriction will last only 2 weeks after a film’s release, although there are exceptions.

Where you purchase concession tickets online, suitable identification must be provided at the Cinema.

Online Fees
The purchasing of products and services may be subject to booking, credit card and other fees. All tickets purchased through this Site will be subject to a booking fees. The Company reserves the right to vary the amount of this booking fee from time to time, as specified in the ticket purchasing process.

Additional Charges
Additional charges may apply for 3D films and for the purchase of 3D glasses and as otherwise notified by the Company.

Times and Session Details
Times and session details in relation to tickets purchased through this Site are subject to change without notice.

Cinema Complex Information
This Site may contain Cinema complex information such as Cinema trading hours and availability of parking for individual Cinemas which the Company understands is correct at the time of posting however is subject to change. The Company does not guarantee the accuracy of the Cinema complex information but will use its reasonable efforts to keep the details accurate.

Refund and Return Policy
To the extent permitted by law, and without limiting the application of New Zealand Consumer Law and the Consumer Guarantees, the Company’s liability to you in connection with the purchase or use of any products or services obtained from this Site is limited to either:

(a) replacement of those products or services; or 

(b) a refund of the cost of purchase of those products and services.

Refunds or exchanges are not available where you simply change your mind, or where you have mistakenly purchased the wrong ticket or where you do not have a receipt for the products or services.

To the extent permitted by law:
(a) The Company (including its related bodies corporate and affiliates), its directors, officers, employees and agents exclude all liability to you and any other persons who use a product or service you have purchased from this Site including liability for any consequential loss or damage, indirect, incidental, special damages, or loss of business or profits; and

(b) you agree that the Company may retain any booking fees or other incidental costs such as postage incurred in issuing a refund.

This clause does not amend or limit the operation of clause 17 of the Terms of Use, Limitation of Liability (clause 17).

Alcoholic Beverages
Where your purchase from this Site includes a purchase of any alcoholic beverage, you warrant that you are over 18 years of age and legally entitled to purchase this product. If you are purchasing this product on behalf of someone else, the recipient must also be over 18 years of age. You or the product recipient must supply suitable photographic proof of age evidence at the point of supply at the Cinema on request by the Company. If this cannot be presented, the Company is entitled to refuse to supply the alcoholic beverage with no further compensation to you.

GST applies to the purchase of products and services from this Site and will be charged at the time of purchase.

Force Majeure
The Company’s obligations to you will be suspended for the period in which the Company is affected by any event beyond its reasonable control which shall include without limitation an act of God, fire, flood or other extreme weather event, natural disaster, strike, electricity, power or communications failure, shortage or unavailability of products or services or a change in applicable law.

No Re-Sale or Promotional Use
Products or services obtained from this Site (including vouchers) may not be re-sold, on-supplied or transferred for commercial, consumer or promotional purposes, bundled with other goods and services or used for promotional purposes without the Company’s prior written consent.

Terms of Use
These Conditions of Sale form part of the Terms of Use and clauses in the Terms of Use apply in the Conditions of Sale as the context requires. If there is any contradiction between the Conditions of Sale and the Terms of Use, then the Terms of Use shall take precedence.


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